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If you're a North Carolina political junkie, it must seem like Christmas came in July
If you're a North Carolina political junkie, it must seem like Christmas came in July
Mark Walker is a Baptist minister, so his explanation as to why he and other Republican congressmen survived a mass assassination attempt isn't surprising
Mark Walker is a Baptist minister, so his explanation as to why he and other Republican congressmen survived a mass assassination attempt isn't surprising
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
The Obama administration and its fronts in the Senate accomplished what Richard Nixon wasn't able to accomplish, which was the suppression of an entire movement against him.
The Obama administration and its fronts in the Senate accomplished what Richard Nixon wasn't able to accomplish, which was the suppression of an entire movement against him.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to review the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Republican-led General Assembly’s laws requiring voter identification at the polls, altering early voting
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to review the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Republican-led General Assembly’s laws requiring voter identification at the polls, altering early voting
This article will explain why the Executive Order and the temporary travel ban is legal and appropriate and why I think it will ultimately be upheld.
This article will explain why the Executive Order and the temporary travel ban is legal and appropriate and why I think it will ultimately be upheld.
As the Senate Hearings of approving the nominations for cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump, politics in America will take center stage. It is not so much that these predominantly Republican nominees be on this fine, public stage, but, moreover, that of the minority Democrats.
As the Senate Hearings of approving the nominations for cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump, politics in America will take center stage. It is not so much that these predominantly Republican nominees be on this fine, public stage, but, moreover, that of the minority Democrats.
President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton was the result of a number of actions that the news media chose to ignore, but the American people still discovered.
President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton was the result of a number of actions that the news media chose to ignore, but the American people still discovered.
The Obama White House has run arguably the most anti-law enforcement administration in history.
The nation's legendary law enforcement agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has once again disappointed many lawmakers and American people...
The nation's legendary law enforcement agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has once again disappointed many lawmakers and American people...
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee - that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer - is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee - that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer - is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
With the events occurring last week in Cleveland, Ohio, during the Republican National Convention and then this week in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the Democrat's already controversial convention
With the events occurring last week in Cleveland, Ohio, during the Republican National Convention and then this week in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the Democrat's already controversial convention
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's head honcho said he will formally report to Attorney General Loretta Lynch - and her allegedly politicized and corrupt Justice Department - that there are no grounds for prosecution in its yearlong investigation into Hillary Clinton
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's head honcho said he will formally report to Attorney General Loretta Lynch - and her allegedly politicized and corrupt Justice Department - that there are no grounds for prosecution in its yearlong investigation into Hillary Clinton
Presidential heir apparent Hillary Clinton was finally 'interrogated' by special agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday about the ongoing investigation into her email server and other issues involving the so-called charity, the Clinton Foundation
Presidential heir apparent Hillary Clinton was finally 'interrogated' by special agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday about the ongoing investigation into her email server and other issues involving the so-called charity, the Clinton Foundation
As regular readers already know, civil asset forfeiture is a legal process that empowers government agents to confiscate property they suspect has been used for, or derived from, criminal activity. It is a civil action against the property itself, which means the owner need not be convicted of a...
As regular readers already know, civil asset forfeiture is a legal process that empowers government agents to confiscate property they suspect has been used for, or derived from, criminal activity. It is a civil action against the property itself, which means the owner need not be convicted of a...
The answer is probably both. And that should scare you, but not because Trump is a terrible person; he's not, just a terrible politician; however, the surreal and frightening aspect of Donald J. Trump is that he is a very good mirror, a high definition mirror.
The answer is probably both. And that should scare you, but not because Trump is a terrible person; he's not, just a terrible politician; however, the surreal and frightening aspect of Donald J. Trump is that he is a very good mirror, a high definition mirror.
Voters, candidates, and political partisans exchanged sharply divided views and occasional vitriol Monday in a marathon public hearing about North Carolina congressional redistricting in the wake of a federal court decision placing the scheduled March 15 primary in jeopardy
Voters, candidates, and political partisans exchanged sharply divided views and occasional vitriol Monday in a marathon public hearing about North Carolina congressional redistricting in the wake of a federal court decision placing the scheduled March 15 primary in jeopardy
If there is an Article V convention, we will lose the Constitution we have, and another Constitution will be imposed.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
Hussein Obama wants to appear that he cares a little bit about fighting terror, but, mostly, he wants the World to rather know that he is doing it with one hand tied behind his back to be a good sport.
Hussein Obama wants to appear that he cares a little bit about fighting terror, but, mostly, he wants the World to rather know that he is doing it with one hand tied behind his back to be a good sport.
CNBC came to play for a political cage match, where the Republican presidential candidates, as the Democrat media wished, devour one another. then the CNBC moderators got their collective ass kicked.
CNBC came to play for a political cage match, where the Republican presidential candidates, as the Democrat media wished, devour one another. then the CNBC moderators got their collective ass kicked.
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
Hillary B. Clinton, and her husband, Bill, according to her, have long been the political victims of the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy', and never more now as Obama's Department of Justice seeks her infamously scrubbed server.
Hillary B. Clinton, and her husband, Bill, according to her, have long been the political victims of the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy', and never more now as Obama's Department of Justice seeks her infamously scrubbed server.
The easy answer is a demonstrative yes, but the better question is: Why has the Democrat party embraced Black Lives Matter as a co-equal in their proverbial "big tent"?
The easy answer is a demonstrative yes, but the better question is: Why has the Democrat party embraced Black Lives Matter as a co-equal in their proverbial "big tent"?
The hearing that will determine the fate of North Carolina's election reform law wrapped up Aug. 7. Groups that included the NC NAACP and the League of Women Voters of NC, ­joined by Eric Holder's (and Loretta Lynch's) U.S. Justice Department, are suing the state over election reform legislation (th
The hearing that will determine the fate of North Carolina's election reform law wrapped up Aug. 7. Groups that included the NC NAACP and the League of Women Voters of NC, ­joined by Eric Holder's (and Loretta Lynch's) U.S. Justice Department, are suing the state over election reform legislation (th
In the first newsletter I wrote for the John Locke Foundation, I welcomed Eric Holder's announcement that the Department of Justice - the country's top law enforcement agency - would be reigning in its out-of-control and abusive civil asset forfeiture program. Unfortunately, as George Leef...
In the first newsletter I wrote for the John Locke Foundation, I welcomed Eric Holder's announcement that the Department of Justice - the country's top law enforcement agency - would be reigning in its out-of-control and abusive civil asset forfeiture program. Unfortunately, as George Leef...
Talk about profiles in courage. *There's nothing better to make you stand up and salute someone who takes both sides of an important issue.
Talk about profiles in courage. *There's nothing better to make you stand up and salute someone who takes both sides of an important issue.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
As I have previously explained, civil asset forfeiture is an obnoxious legal process that empowers law enforcement agencies to confiscate property they suspect has been used in, or derived from, criminal activity. Part of what makes this process so abhorrent is the fact that, because it is a...
As I have previously explained, civil asset forfeiture is an obnoxious legal process that empowers law enforcement agencies to confiscate property they suspect has been used in, or derived from, criminal activity. Part of what makes this process so abhorrent is the fact that, because it is a...
I continue to receive mail requesting that I donate money to the National GOP. I have sent a note to stop these requests. Today, I received a card in the mail identifying me as a donor.
I continue to receive mail requesting that I donate money to the National GOP. I have sent a note to stop these requests. Today, I received a card in the mail identifying me as a donor.
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) today released the following statement on Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) today released the following statement on Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch
Michael Brown is Dead. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
Michael Brown is Dead. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
Democrats have, for decades, made mincemeat out of GOP nominees simply because they disagreed with them.
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